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Britain and its partners have already saved more than 10 million lives and prevented 1.7 billion malaria cases. More countries than ever are on the cusp of elimination, but we can't stop now. The fight isn't over, and the job isn't done.

Since 2000, thanks to UK and global efforts the malaria death rate has been halved.

But, malaria still takes a devastating toll on families, communities, and countries - with a child dying every minute.

British scientific leadership has been at the forefront of the malaria fight, with breakthrough tools such as the first-ever malaria vaccines, treatments, and next-generation bed nets.

Consistent polling shows that the public backs Britain working with global partners to end malaria and supporting the science sector to do this.

So we're calling on the UK Government to take the right steps - to get the job done and commit to ending malaria for good.

We're Britain. Saving lives is what we do.

The UK government’s first steps to ending malaria…

The world faces multiple challenges, including health threats, conflicts, economic instability, and a worsening climate crisis, all highlighting the need for global security. The new UK government’s focus on pragmatic policymaking is worthy, but the importance of health in this interconnected landscape cannot be overlooked. Malaria, which continues to claim lives and weaken economies, must be seen as a critical lever for global security.

Click the link below to find practical, evidence-based steps for the UK to reinvigorate its fight against malaria, drawing on the insights of global health experts to help new ministers navigate government and foster partnerships, ultimately aiming to end malaria and create a safer, more prosperous world.


Why Britain can help end malaria

Malaria is one of the oldest and deadliest diseases on the planet. It still kills a child every minute. UK-led research and innovation, backed by critical funding from the UK government, have contributed to tremendous progress in the fight against malaria – but emerging threats and stalling progress are putting children’s lives and global health security at risk. By supporting the malaria fight, Britain is supporting the livelihoods of families and communities around the world which helps to create a thriving global market, diversifying trade links and expanding supply chains helping to secure all our futures and building back better for Britain.

We know that the British public are great supporters of excellent science. Continued investment to fight malaria from the UK government is something that would be popular as a policy. It is the right thing to do, and it’s something that will be highly cost-effective in terms of its impact on humanity.

Professor Sir Adrian Hill, Director of the Jenner Institute and Lakshmi Mittal and Family Professor of Vaccinology. University of Oxford.

  1. Malaria kills over 1,700 people every day

    with children and pregnant women most vulnerable.
  2. British Science can save 2m lives

    Investment in British science and innovation to support the malaria fight will save lives
  3. Malaria costs Africa $117bn a year

    Due to missed work and school days, leading to parents providing childcare, malaria costs the African economy billions in lost productivity every year
  4. 80% of Brits support investment in the malaria fight

    80% of Brits feel it is important that the UK continues to invest in preventing malaria
  5. Over 11.7m lives have been saved since 2000

    Since the start of the cnetury the world has come together to defeat one of the world's oldest and deadliest diseases, saving millions of lives.

Death By Sugar

Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait (ATSB®) is a new device developed by biotech company Westham, that is attached to the outside of buildings. It lures the malaria-carrying mosquitoes to their death by appealing to their natural sugar feeding behaviour and then covering the sugar meal with poison.

Genetically modifying the world’s deadliest creature to wipe it out

Researchers from Imperial College London and Polo GGB, working with partners in West Africa, have successfully suppressed populations of malaria-carrying mosquitoes by using a special type of genetic modification known as gene drives to make female mosquitoes infertile, effectively wiping out the entire population.

Beating insecticide-resistant mosquitoes with a new class of chemistry and next-generation nets

Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets have been the backbone of malaria prevention for decades, helping to prevent 68% of malaria cases in Africa between 2000 and 2015. The Interceptor® G2 is a second-generation insecticide-treated net developed by BASF with support from IVCC, specifically in response to studies showing increases in insecticide-resistant mosquitoes.

A revolutionary new treatment that will save lives

Working in partnership with MMV, GSK have developed a drug known as tafenoquine (Kozenis®/Krintafel®), It is the first-ever antimalarial treatment to be delivered as a single dose for the prevention of relapse of P.vivax malaria, which looks set to combat the challenges posed by previous medicines and improve the process for patients.

Getting testing to the most vulnerable

New, intelligent diagnostics which integrate with health systems management and detect parasites evading conventional tests are essential both now and in the future. A team at Imperial College London is addressing all these needs at once, developing a smart molecular diagnostics device that brings the lab directly to the patient.

After decades of development: A vaccine

Since the 1940s over 100 potential malaria vaccines have made it to human trials, but now two vaccines are breaking boundaries and progressing further than any before them – both are developed by UK organisations.

When Britain leads the world succeeds

For the past twenty years, Britain has backed the Global Fund, which has helped save 44 million lives against AIDS, TB and malaria. This year we have the chance to save 20 million more lives. When Britain leads, the world can succeed at ending one of the oldest and deadliest diseases.